Spring Background

Monday, June 7, 2010

Our first workbox day

Oooh, concentration! Don't you love that face!

Ring Toss Victory!!

Recently Josh has been aimless and bored. So, although I had thought to wait for the start of our next school year, we are giving the workbox system a try. Last night I was laminating, sticking velcro dots and planning. Today it was all worth it! Josh had 6 workboxes to go through and special times to have lessons in cooking and piano, as well as bike riding time. He loved it! And I loved being able to see him going and starting the next thing without me harping on it and reminding him over and over again! It was awesome. He was the most excited about a paper craft globe I download from Cannon's website. I put that last, so he kept up a nice pace trying to get to it!

The rings and cones were in one of his boxes. His first few tries he couldn't get the ring anywhere near the cone, but soon he was a pro. It was great, and Samantha enjoyed the supplies, too!

Diving Ring Fun

I picked up these diving rings in the pool section at Walmart, and the cones in the dollar section at Target. We had a lot of fun with them today. Samantha was really absorbed in them. She came up with the "hang the rings on the pony" idea all by herself.

My baby boy is really BIG!

Josh is almost 7!

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Jump for Joy

favorite new cuddly friend

We rescued this poor panda from Josh's closet. Samantha loves him! She likes a furry cuddle when she's falling asleep.

It's HOT again...

Josh and his friends Noah and Caleb got wet in the sprinkler. You can see a little head peeking out behind the slide. They were making a perpetual motion machine and running around to slide down the wet slide. They had fun, but Josh was disappointed because he wanted to ride bikes. He loves his new bike.


Josh is getting some help with his chores. I bet he wishes she could take over for him!

bathing beauty

Samantha has been enjoying feeding herself. She loves smearing egg yolk all over her face and hair. She's also fond of spilling smoothies on the table and seeing how large an area she can cover with smoothie. She really prefers drinking out of regular cups. It's really cute to see such a tiny person drinking from a cup! I should take a picture...
Whoops, I forgot that I was going to share that many meals end up with a bath!