In my anguish I cried to the LORD, and he answered me by setting me free.
Ps 118:5
God is so different than anything we could ever hope to understand or imagine. In human experience, we "get over" things by dwelling on them until we're sick of the remembrances, or through an act of will or fantasy forcing them out of our lives. I've recently experienced a miracle that sceptics wouldn't care to believe in and that is so subtle and yet so incredibly profound that it is hard to describe.
The trauma of losing Jeremiah was so shocking, unexpected and intense that for months the only "prayer" I could muster was inarticulate misery or shouts of WHY. There came a point, however, when I realised that I had, yet again, two paths before me. These same old paths...I have seens them before. One is the way to light, hope and peace. The other is the path of darkness and despair.
I fought the choice for awhile. After all, how is it fair that we only have two ways to go? Why can't we make our own way? Why can I not determine my own destiny?